We're happy if our customer enjoy with new interface.


No worries. We always update without the end.


Begin with love for develop v2 and improve everything.


We'll notify you if v2 is ready to use.



Displays synchronized content, playing on 2 or more screens in a video wall configuration when scheduling content.


Provides a simple way for users to create and manage 'category' and 'product' information on layouts. (same as DataSet, but Menu Boards are easier to understand and use)


New engine for template & layout. Beautiful.


Makes organization easier and more structured. Bug in v1 solved by not having Private Folder notifications.


Fonts now have their own library. So in V4, fonts are no longer included in media.


You can scrolling down for CHANGELOG.


1. Layouts: search field on add layout form
2. Connectors: Add events for regular and daily maintenance
3. Layouts: change the ID column/filter to be campaignId
4. Layout Import - potential improvements
5. Audit Log: Record events for User and Group transactions
6. Calendar Widget: Add option to remove weekends from view
7. Menu Boards: improve data management
8. Menu Boards: improve rendering
9. Tags input: Values overflow container
10. Grids: we appear to run the search 3 times on page load
11. Agenda Widget: No event trigger raised when there are events
12. Displays: Wake on LAN not working
13. Editor Drawer and Actions: Multiple improvements and fixes
14. Player Faults : Handle Player version downgrading
15. Interactive: it should not be possible to add a sub-playlist to the drawer
16. Campaign : Layouts assignment grid shows retired Layouts
17. Playlist grid: Content can't be scrolled
18. DataSets: remote DataSet with caching enabled causes truncate when cache skips
19. Reports: proof of play report layout/media filtering not working
20. Timeline: vertical width issue
21. Templates: thumbnails with small regions have large widget text
22. Agenda Widget: "No Data" message missing when current events are excluded
23. Playlist: cycle playback gives decimal duration
24. Layout Import : nested Playlists potential issue
25. Tags with values : incorrect representation in edit forms
26. Can't see all user groups in User Groups Membership Edit
27. Agenda Widget: Select date range option not working
28. Custom Install: always shows settings path not writeable
29. Reporting: Time Connected report throws an error
30. Agenda/Calendar: incorrect representation of an event with a different timezone to the calendar
31. Impossible to request screenshot on a CMS with no ZeroMQ module loaded
32. Layout Editor: Read only mode needs to be highlighted
33. Agenda: large ICS file causes out of memory error
34. Media Toolbar: Replicated results when adding a tagged element
35. Layout Editor: Empty timeline needs min height, and updated text
36. Playlist Editor: Drop element to playlist with region underneath duplicates element
37. Daypart : error on edit when Display Groups should be notified
38. Layout editor toolbar: Upload card not deselecting
39. Media Toolbar: Retired media showing in search
40. Actions table need scrolling to fit completely
41. Layout Editor: Viewer regions needs to have layer properties
42. Tidy Library: in use files are deleted incorrectly
43. Sub-Playlist: add the option to give a sub-playlist widget a name
44. Dynamic Display Groups: Better handling for large numbers of tags in criteria
45. Tidy library: add additional logging/auditing
46. Playlist Editor: Re-centre main modal when toolbar content is opened
47. Displays : using "with selected" to set bandwidth limit does not work correctly
48. Displays: using "with selected" to edit tags doesn't work when there are existing tags
49. Features: cannot assign existing media to a layout without playlist.modify
50. Tag field preview popup hidden in overlay scroll
51. Characters that are not XML safe in the command or validation strings cause XML parse failures at the player
52. Tags: the tag preview popup appears partially hidden behind the form field
53. MySQL: database restores fails with "Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field"
54. Display Group Delete: possible to delete the display specific group via the API
55. Display Group Copy - Members and assignments are not copied when requested
56. Layout Editor: Preview toolbar info breaks when too long
57. Playlist Editor inside Layout Editor needs modal z-index fixed
58. Displays: using "with selected" to edit tags hides the display
59. Display Groups: dynamic display groups are always reassessed when editing a display
60. Tidy Cypress tests
61. Library Tidy : throws unexpected error on form submit
62. Media Delete : Audio assigned to a Widget is not removed
63. DataSet Data : editing should allow empty values
64. Layouts: add from template for a user without the tags feature enabled fails
65. Library: uploads greater than 1GB fail with Request Entity Too Large
66. Widgets: Currencies stop returning data
67. PDO: review use of the isolated connection
68. AuditLog should not use a separate SQL connection and should rollback
69. User Group : cannot save edited group if it does not have default homepage set
70. Tasks: AuditLog Archive maxAgeMonths doesn't work
71. Tasks: options shouldn't be saved at the end of a run
72. Display Profile: licence email address wording
73. Display/DisplayGroup: sharing column
74. RSS Ticker (static): not possible to easily add a separator between marquee items
75. Media Dashboard does not return results unless a filter is set
76. Select boxes will not close
77. Folders: can't select a folder for layouts/displays if campaigns/displaygroups features are disabled
78. Sub-Playlist: cycle based playback does not work when nested
79. Display Settings: Embedded Web Server Port profile option for SoC players
80. Folders: move folders to different parent folders and move content between folders easily
81. Folders: add a "home" folder for a user
82. Filtering: add a logical operator to the name filter
83. Folders: add a setting to preventing Users from saving into the Root Folder
84. Library: collect resolution on videos/images
85. Displays: add LAN IP address when available
86. Dynamic Display Group Criteria tags limit
87. Widget: changes to OpenWeather require new API version for new keys
88. Layout Editor Viewer: Full-screen and Back buttons under rendered content
89. Library: paging broken usage report layouts tab
90. Playlists: on the edit playlist form, add the name to the title
91. Filter forms: row menu hides after searching
92. Deleting display causes all other displays to go 'out of date'
93. Library: users with a library quota cannot upload
94. Sub-Playlist: out of memory error loading form on an instance with 10000s of playlists
95. Widgets: Currencies should have the option of using an AlphaVantage premium API key
96. Library: set resolution on existing items
97. Display Groups: performance issues with many dynamic display groups
98. Filter forms: checkboxes do not filter when changed
99. Campaigns: add a new type of campaign for advertising
100. Display: add venue information
101. Displays: meta data
102. Schedule: Max plays per hour
103. Display Map View
104. Sub-Playlist: impossible to have the same playlist assigned twice at the same level
105. Campaigns: choose how layouts are ordered when included in the main schedule
106. Reporting: proof of play by campaign
107. Reports: Improvements to Summary/Distribution by Layout, Media or Event
108. Reports: Proof of Play improvements
109. System Notifications not going to email specified in the main Settings
110. Stats Migration Task on MySQL 5.7 generates error: data too long for column
111. Ad Campaigns: spend/impressions should accept decimal values
112. Displays: cost/impressions per play should accept decimal values
113. Ad Campaigns: scheduler won't schedule more than 3600 of ads
114. Layout import and export with subplaylist Widget issues
115. Campaigns: list play order field should not be visible when cycle playback is enabled
116. CAS Authentication middleware does not reject login attempt for retired user.
117. Campaigns: deleting an ad campaign should delete its schedules
118. Campaigns: the API should prevent editing/deleting a schedule with a parentCampaignId
119. Layout editor: jump list shows retired layouts
120. Display map is only showing 10 displays at one time
121. Layout import with remote dataSet from older CMS may fail
122. Campaign name in the proof of play report
123. Campaigns: the campaign type filter should have an empty option
124. Connectors: SSP connector says "Unknown Error" when no API key configured
125. Schedule: default layout doesn't send its duration
126. Settings: wording change for playlist editor colouring
127. Report Improvements
128. Add parent campaign in Proof of Play
129. Schedule Agenda: add markers and a drag icon to make it easier to know how to position the time bar
130. Schedule: all interrupts are considered locked
131. Connectors: SSP connector teething issues
132. DataSet : add row with empty date column value throws unexpected error
133. Ad Campaign : Edit form Back button issue
134. Ad Campaigns: Cannot move the Ad Campaign to a different folder.
135. User Preferences: cannot turn off "Remember Folder tree state globally?"
136. Schedule add/edit forms : Maximum plays per hour helpText popup shows incorrect player icon
137. Actions : getLayoutCodes does not check permissions
138. Schedule: it should not be possible to directly schedule an Ad Campaign
139. Display Profile Settings: Player version override issue
140. Add the Campaign column in the Saved Report
141. Layout Thumbnail broken for subplaylist Widget
142. Campaign : Copy issues
143. Sub Playlist: spot/spot length are saved as strings
144. DataSets data : Formula columns ordering issues
145. Interactive: layouts not downloaded for 2nd level nesting and beyond
146. Theme: update to use the refreshed logo
147. Ad Campaigns: teething issues which may result in over or under play against target
148. Schedule: filtering by an Ad Campaign should show the interrupt events created for it
149. Connector Reports: List reports supported by a connector when it is enabled
150. Notifications: system notifications should also go to assigned users
151. Layout import : Cannot find Playlist error
152. Sub Playlist: setting a spot count on a playlist without any items hangs the UI
153. Two-factor authentication : QR code render issue
154. DataSet Data : Delete Rows button does not do anything
155. Calendar: Recurring events from previous view not shown
156. Display Profile : potential issues after delete
157. MySQL proof of play records cannot not be sent to the Audience API
158. Proof of Play: export, API returns UTC instead of CMS timezone when using MongoDB timeseries store
159. Playlist : Delete does not cover "old" subplaylist Widget options
160. Widgets : Stocks not returning data with free API key
161. Tasks: sorting by next run causes the grid to empty
162. Playlist: Add form has a conflicting message and help text
163. Audience Reporting Connector: DMA shows as "geo false" even with a geofence defined
164. XTR: SQL error when there is a timed out task
165. Audience Reporting Connector: if a block of stats has nothing to send,
166. Audience Connector: Regular Maintenance fails with Campaign not found
167. Widgets: Twitter Metro render crash with limited elements
168. Audience Reporting Connector: hide DMA grid when no API key is available
169. Tutorial walk through dead ends
170. DataSet Widgets: library images are not unlinked when the cache is regenerated
171. XMDS: Submit Stats "Not found" error logged and 500 returned to the player (causing stats to back up locally)
172. Interactive: navigate to layout actions which create a loop cause XMDS to crash
173. Display Map: Incorporate display status in marker clusters as pie charts
174. Remote DataSet : add option to force sync
175. Audience Reports: minor adjustments and snagging
176. Ad Campaigns: tidy up interrupt schedules after 90 days
177. Calendar: schedule widget marker isn’t in the right position
178. Auth: Audit log via the API showing without a user set
179. Report Schedule: Owners/Type showing first item when they should be empty
180. PDF Widget: External preview speed differs from editor preview
181. Report: Proof of play schedule report cannot filter by media/layout
182. Weather widget: Background colour not being applied
183. Widget: Sub-Playlist errors with "Cannot find playlist" after deleting a Playlist
184. Android Intent Command Control: Added extra shows plus instead of minus
185. Display Group : cannot delete Display Group linked to ad campaign
186. Toolbar results broken after adding a widget to the Playlist Editor
187. Layout Designer: video thumbnails do not show in the toolbox for local video
188. Auth: Audit log when access tokens are granted
189. Displays: make it clear that the commercial licence column is only accurate to the last time the command ran.
190. UX: don't show the row menu if it is empty
191. Ticker widget: add option to set the user agent
192. DataSet Widgets : Direct Library references are not linked to the Widget
193. Group Admin get "Access Denied to UserGroup" when adding user to a usergroup
194. Layout : Publishing with future date not working correctly
195. Reporting: Time Connected Summary does not show connected displays
196. Displays: update webkey remote control link
197. Modules: it should not be possible to uninstall a core module
198. Display Group: sorting by "member" does not work
199. Users: home folder goes back to root on edit form
200. Ad Campaigns: cannot set sharing options on new campaign
201. Ad Campaigns: edit option not accessible to a non-super admin
202. Folders : non super admin user created folder permission issue
203. Users: setting a users password only works if you also change something else on the form
204. Schedule : Layout/Campaign filter "disappears" after add/edit form is opened
205. Grid filtering : Tag filter does not trigger table reload
206. Twig error on development CMS's
207. README: update with clearer installation instructions.
208. Widgets: Text/Ticker/Etc fail to load on devices with webviews older than Chrome 49
209. Display Group: sorting by "member" does not work
210. Users: home folder goes back to root on edit form
211. Ad Campaigns: cannot set sharing options on new campaign
212. Ad Campaigns: edit option not accessible to a non-super admin
213. Folders : non super admin user created folder permission issue
214. Users: setting a users password only works if you also change something else on the form
215. Schedule : Layout/Campaign filter "disappears" after add/edit form is opened
216. Grid filtering : Tag filter does not trigger table reload
217. Twig error on development CMS's
218. README: update with clearer installation instructions.
219. Widgets: Text/Ticker/Etc fail to load on devices with webviews older than Chrome 49
220. Layout Editor: show tour option no longer needed
221. Schedule grid does not show recurring events
222. Layout Editor Viewer: Default text isn't the same as preview
223. Layout Editor: Options tooltip in front of Publish button
224. Regular Maintenance stuck processing after upgrade
225. Digital clocks turn into analogue clocks
226. Widgets uses let and const
227. Embedded widget with library references cannot be downloaded
228. Upgrade: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Truncated incorrect DECIMAL value
229. Display : Cannot delete a Display that is set as lead Display for a Sync Group
230. Duration needs to be 0 or above saving layout/playlist
231. Widgets: scaling not working correctly for elements
232. User cannot edit a rich text widget
233. Dynamic Playlists do not update after
234. Dashboard Module: unable to create interface JWT
235. Dashboard Module: type field empty
236. Playlist Editor: Delete button on Rich Text input deletes selected widget
237. Inline Playlist Editor: Auto-save not working when selecting another item
238. Swagger docs: missing module API sections
239. Scheduling grid: users can see events on displays not shared with them
240. Widgets with only 1 element and 1 data slot don't page correctly
241. Widget: RSS/Article static shows broken image link when the feed doesn't return an image
242. Calendar Widget: Upgrade from v1 and effects targets
243. Countdown: warning duration needs to be lower than the widget duration
244. Display: save form show unexpected error when no default layout is set
245. Dashboards: do not work on the player
246. Settings: Default value for “Automatically apply Transitions? doesn't work when set to on
247. Transitions: no transitions work after upgrading
248. RSS widget: add support for non-standard/other image enclosures
249. Layouts with Ampersands (&) in name multiply!
250. Global elements: disappear on publish (if not edited)
251. Widget: PDF does not show on the player
252. Playlist Editor: some items are missing the file name
253. Widget: images are not downloaded for a long time or until the player cache is cleared manually
254. Sync: publisher port not sent to the player
255. Widget: DataSet takes too long to update on the player after editing
256. Webpage widget with & in the URL does not work
257. Elements: marquee effect
258. DataSet: no data message doesn't work on static templates (except dataset_custom_html)
259. Can't add the dashboard widget
260. Widget: text flickers after upgrade (rich text)
261. Schedule Calendar: NAN for each day when date format is H:i d-m-Y
262. RSS: widget and status dashboard latest news shows everything with the same date/time
263. Widget: embedded has transparent, scale and preload defaulted differently
264. Widget: DataSet [DisplayId] filtering doesn't work on the player
265. Layout Editor : Resolutions not filtered by enabled flag
266. Calendar elements: Data not being formatted on preview
267. Folders page : no Folder details displayed
268. Playlists: cannot scroll, the scroll bars are not displayed 
269. Schedule: sync form does not show any layouts in the dropdown when the CMS is in a sub folder
270. FontCSS: Unable to write to the library
271. Maintenance: Unable to copy asset: weather-humidity-percent
272. Video upload: thumbnail not captured unless you click on the timebar in the preview window
273. XMDS: some URLs have spaces in them
274. Schedule : Sync Event throws Unexpected error when not every Display has Layout assigned to it
275. Maintenance: remove expired files needs to be adapted for the new way of caching
276. Embedded widget: Javascript content script tags
277. Widget elements: Mastodon shows username instead of post text and date is not formatted
278. Widget: elements using "pin data slot" no longer work
279. PDF duration per page doesn't work
280. Weather: Background image path wrong when migrating
281. Widget: Shell Command broken when migrating from v1
282. RSS Ticker: Articles come from last to first
283. HLS widget not working on XfA when using v2
284. Elements: duplicate group doesn't work
285. RSS: take items from start/end doesn't work the same
286. Applications: unable to grant application scopes in sharing
287. Displays: cannot override download/update window start/end times
288. Embedded: Your library reference 0 does not exist
289. Layout Editor: Playlist Mixer control no saving
290. Layout editor viewer: Element Groups with layer 0 show out of order
291. Android: timeSyncFromCms and webCachedEnabled are missing the checkbox type and are therefore ignored
292. DataSet: HTML element is appearing as text
293. Proof of play sending loop in Mongo DB
294. Dataset: No data message
295. Dataset String Template: Playlist with the template does not show the items
296. Schedule Grid : Recurrence description incorrect for weekly repeats
297. Ad Campaign : Potential of Division by zero error
298. DataSet Column : Cannot save a Column with list content
299. Layout : Full screen Layout created from Media/Playlist missing modifiedDt
300. Display Profile : Some config settings not encoded correctly after

CHANGE LOG v2 - Alpha

1. XMDS: missing default layout throws HTTP 500
2. Calendar widget: Start interval month not returning data
3. Sharing for DayPart: Change the owner of a daypart returns an error
4. Weather widget not appearing in correct location in layout preview
5. Text flashes on-screen once and then disappears when a weather widget is also present
6. Widget: weather does not work on older devices due to ES6 syntax
7. CDN: v1 players connecting to a CMS fail to download the second time if the first time fails
8. Substitutes parser doesn't handle custom date format for variables
9. Library: video thumbnails should be empty if no thumbnail is available
10. Elements: Dataset not showing all added slots in preview/player
11. Canva: we are unable to publish your design
12. Weather: Required elements and sample data
13. Editor Viewer: Show empty regions
14. Widget: DataSet Image Slideshow doesn't show DataSet Field when the dataset has no image columns
15. Weather widget: Convert placeholders format from PHP to Moment
16. Upgrade fails if the CMS has tags with special characters
17. Colour picker rendered off screen when at the bottom of the property panel
18. Improve Rich Text module
19. Folder search filter
20. Language Control: Populate with available languages
21. Displays: map results load even if you don't ever open the map view
22. Weather widget: changing the language doesn't affect the whole template
23. Calender Widget: Exclude weekend days button does nothing 
24. UX: Top bar menu entry "Users" has no dropdown and is always open 
25. Users: Grid throws unexpected error when user has no homepageId set
26. Dashboards: Media Manager throws unexpected error for non super admin users
27. Layout Import: an image layout does not show the image
28. DataSet Column : SQL lock when changing heading of a column with listContent
29. DataSet Columns : Grid paging is broken
30. RSS Ticker: Title and Description marquee needs to be able to render like in v1
31. Global elements group: Hide slot component
32. Layout Editor: Selecting widget in a zone not working
33. Layout Editor: Adding provider images is broken
34. Layout Thumbnail: Items on a Canvas don't appear in thumbnail previews
35. Position of elements is wrong after grouping
36. Element status not updating for Required elements
37. Upgrade: v1 to v2 fails on player software migration - missing foreign key
38. Layout Preview: Weather or dataset elements are not properly shown in preview
39. Ad Campaign: Setting the Target Type to Impressions results in an error
40. Changing data slot shouldn't reload element data
41. API: access tokens expire early

CHANGE LOG v2 - Beta

1. XMDS: faults fail to record if the reason is greater than 255 characters
2. RSS Ticker: Duration per item is not working in preview
3. Dataset Rich text editor snippets don't update
4. Sessions - Logout doesn’t appear to work
5. Text flashes on-screen once and then disappears when a weather widget is also present
6. Elements Marquee: speed issue on android
7. Elements: Multiple widgets v2
8. Elements: Multiple widgets of the same type in canvas
9. Logs: user option not found pollutes logs
10. Elements: this widget isn't enabled
11. RSS Ticker: add a static template to easily design a marquee
12. RSS Elements: Remove new lines option for content
13. Sample Data: When to show?


February 2024 - April 2024

Newest PHP Version

Digisign Play starts with engine PHP 8.2.4

More Responsive

We will develop more on Safari and Firefox Browser

More Widget

Enjoy with new Widget for your needed

New Experience

Looks like fresh and clean for next v2